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A group of visionaries, motivated by their own children and a collective enthusiasm for play-based education, came together to imagine a space for kids, families, and schools that is FUN and educational.
These individuals visited countless museums, surveyed hundreds of people, researched regions similar to the Central Michigan area, joined the Association of Children’s Museums, and consulted with local educators. Being convinced that this was the right thing to do for our Mid-Michigan region, they began their quest to open a children’s museum with a 6-county regional focus that will inspire children and families.
Upon reaching 501(c)3 nonprofit status in 2009, the ranks grew with hundreds of interested people donating dollars and time. We have a working Board of Directors, a broad-base of donors, and have worked tirelessly to provide fun, hands-on activities for children at community events and in schools and libraries.
The Discovery Museum is located on a 2.4 acre parcel near Morey Courts and the Isabella County Events (ICE) Arena in a 12,000 sq.ft. facility. The environment celebrates child-centric, fun activities and includes a large greenhouse where families can congregate and be surrounded by the natural world, even when it’s snowing outside!
It has become a place for gathering, for growing, and for celebrating the important work that play provides for children.